Dear All, We are happy to announce you that we will be resuming our Church services from 6th September 2020 at 8:00 AM. We will be conducting one service at 8:00 AM and another service at 6:00 PM. We will be restricted to allow only 100 People per service as per the government norms.
We hereby request you call Mr. Stephen @ 9940211122 and register your participation on or before 6 PM on Friday ,4th September, without which we will not be able to permit.
Mandatory guidelines to be followed:
- 1. Person above 65 years, pregnant women and children below 10 years will not be permitted.
- 2. Wearing of Mask, Temperature check and 6 Feet social distancing is a must.
- 3. Offertory box will be kept.
- 4. Individual prayer at altar is not permitted.
- 5. Socialising before and after the service at the premises in groups are prohibited.
Greetings, A.Renald Abel